Itamar Rogel

Meet Sasha Shumovskaya: Winner of April’s Player Insights Champion Award

The Affogata Player Insights Awards celebrates professionals who leverage player feedback to improve their games through a data-driven approach. These awards recognize individuals who acknowledge the critical role of the player’s voice in game development and optimization.


For this reason, Affogata has recognized Sasha Shumovskaya, Community Manager at Nexters as the winner of the April Player Insights Champion Award!

Meet Sasha Shumovskaya: Winner of April’s Player Insights Champion Award
Sasha Shumovskaya, April Winner


Congratulations, Sasha! 🎊⭐️ To help you get to know our April Player Insights Champion better, we had the pleasure of conducting a short interview with her. Here’s what she shared with us:

We first asked her to describe her job and to tell us a bit more about how her day-to-day is:


“As a Community Manager, I am responsible for building and maintaining relationships between a company and our players and influencers. I translate the voice of the brand, engage with the community, respond to comments and messages, and collect players’ feedback. Overall, my goal as a Community Manager is to build and maintain a strong and engaged community around our game.”

Sasha Shumovskaya quote

Then we asked Sasha how long she has been working in the player-facing field and what does she like about it?

“I’ve been working in customer-facing roles for almost 8 years now. More than half of them I’ve spent in games. The best part of my job is simultaneously the worst – players are very passionate about the games they played. That helps with creating engaged communities but also provides lots of areas where I to apply my conflict resolution skills.”

We also asked her if there are any other professionals she particularly admires or learns from and to share who they are:

Victoria Tran is one of my favs. I love her chaos-driven approach to Community Management.”


We asked Sasha what is the importance of Player Feedback for her role:


“Player feedback is crucial for my work as it helps me understand the needs and expectations of the community. By listening to player feedback, I can identify areas where the community is satisfied or dissatisfied with the game, and take necessary action to address those issues. Nobody wants to wake up one day and discover a riot in your socials. At least I must be prepared for it, you know!”

Sasha Shumovskaya quote

What was your goal or the problem you were looking to solve with a player analytics platform?


“My main goal was to back the info I collect with some numbers and shiny graphs. Every community manager dies inside a little when being asked ‘Ok, but exactly how many players are upset?’. With Affogata, I no longer want to run and never come back when hearing that.”


What was the situation before you started using our tool?


“My team would prepare a report every two weeks to update the team on the community’s mood. It worked but was very time-consuming. “


How did it help your team reach the goal or solve the problem?


“Now we work faster, our reports are more convincing. Plus, we have data to analyze how the community responds to each game update.”


As the winner of the April Player Insights Champion Award from Affogata, Sasha Shumovskaya is not only being recognized for her diligent use of data and player feedback to enhance her games and prioritize player needs but also being rewarded with a significant and long-lasting reward. As part of this honor, Affogata has planted 100 trees 🌳 in her name to counterbalance her environmental impact and will also provide her with a certificate outlining the positive influence of her actions.

Sasha, your hard work and dedication are greatly appreciated, and you continue to inspire others in the industry 🚀. Thank you for being a role model and making a positive impact in your field.