What you’ll listen to:
The new format of our podcast includes a new intro, outro and a story each feedback from the Tales of the Feedback Crypt where we talk about some marketing PR fails in the games industry.
Quotes and highlights from the people we interviewed on our Season 1 and 2.
Quotes from people who work at Wooga, King games, eToro, Wildlife and more.
This season, we want to introduce you to a NEW section called: Tales from the Feedback Crypt! In this section, we will discuss extraordinary stories of player feedback or fun marketing moves going viral for the wrong reasons. Extraordinary stories like the one you’re about to hear now.
Tales of the Feedback Crypt:
To promote the sequel to their popular survival horror game Dead Space, EA launched a campaign that they hoped would make the game more appealing to a teenage crowd.
Dubbed “Your Mom Hates This”, the various videos showed reactions from mothers watching the game in action and being mortified at the game’s violent content. EA undoubtedly was shooting for a comedic tone with this campaign, but the whole thing comes off as stereotyping all moms as being uncool and out of touch.
Hey I’m a mum, and I’m very cool, I don’t like this.
Going one step further, the campaign was also criticized for being sexist, as it perpetuates the myth that only men play games and women don’t understand them. On the bright side, at least Dead Space 2 turned out to be a pretty good game.
So find here the top moments and quotes from the incredible guests we’ve had until now.
Minute 3:13 – Fernando Ferri, Communications Manager, Team Lead at Wildlife.
“So listening to players’ feedback should be every community manager’s priority. To collect player feedback right now, we’re using Affogata to do it, which is great because we can collect player feedback from different sources, which has been a game changer for us because we did have some challenges and problems in the past regarding sources. And right now, we’re generating 24 hours feedback after the release of every new feature or content. And we use that information combined with the in-game data to quickly respond to potential risks or improvement points.”
Minute 3:52 – Galina Fedulova, Marketing Manager at Wooga.
“Collecting feedback and working with it Wooga, it’s one of the company’s strategic priorities. But first of all, I extremely appreciate that we have extremely talented people in our community management and customer support teams who work with player sentiment on the daily basis and their primary call is to grow positive sentiment among our big and very diverse communities as well as mitigate, and if possible, prevent negative sentiment. That’s why we also build very strong collaboration between marketing, customer support and product teams in order to openly communicate our suggestions and also mention the possible risks of a certain feature release or update.
We also work with different tools and that’s why I already mentioned Affogata and we really like working with it because especially for June’s Journey, we have a huge volume of conversations and also we have very diverse player groups. So the platform actually helps us, first of all, to track this sentiment, to track all conversations and official, for example, social media channels and App Store reviews. But most importantly, it categorizes it into a positive and negative one and tracks it through time. So with Affogata’s KPI, which is Brand Reputation Score and Impact Score, we can also see how our sentiment health is progressing through time and also adjust product, marketing, customer support, and community management strategies accordingly.”
Minute 5:38 – Carlos Moreno Bruzon, Head of the Community Team at King Games.
“We do have a lot of conversations, like it’s crazy, right? Our games are so big that obviously, the conversations around our games are equally massive. I think when it comes to conveying the message, well, I think one of the best resources we have is actually Affogata. Affogata allows us to filter that out and compile different channels as well which is also important because you might get great feedback in a channel that might, I don’t know, for example, someone might have a really interesting thing to say but might post it on an app review. Which I wouldn’t expect. But it might also be there. So I think through a tool like Affogata, we’re able to compile all those different messages and then at the same time use the different filtering tools to make sure the messages and the quality of the messages connect well with what we are trying to bring back to the studio.”
Minute 6:46 – Eyal Sheinholtz, Senior Director of Product, Experience at Etoro.
“We do try to get as much feedback, whether it’s internal or external before we write even one line of code and it doesn’t even have to be something active. Actually, true story, about two weeks ago we decided to do something this quarter, and one of the group leaders actually came to us and said ‘okay, why is that? Why is that?’ And again, I know this is Affogata’s podcast, but I actually used Affogata and just searched for the word, for that specific thing that we want to develop. And I found a lot of things which aren’t like high heavy users using our platform. They actually wrote about it and I got to some of the threads since we use the Affogata also for our feed. So I opened it in eToro and saw some of the threads and how users bypass it since we don’t have the feature, how they implemented it throughout. And it’s amazing. So I actually started copy-pasting and getting the links to the post and sending it to our group leader, saying, look, this is what our users want.
So it’s not just about maybe, as I said, running it internally or asking users for the feedback about something, it’s just searching for it. Maybe they already discussed it. And again, some of our users are very engaged so we get feedback actually from them. And again, we had a very good experience with sharing half-baked designs, trying to show them, okay, this is what we’re going with and usually are very open about it. Sometimes we can make changes, sometimes we can’t. But again, as long as you get that feedback and just hold it and say okay, maybe not now, maybe later, some of the feedback, yes, we just don’t use because maybe a result of not understanding what we wanted to do. But we try to explain. And if we see it’s kind of like an email thread that if you go back and forth too many times, it has to be a meeting. So if we go back and forth in the discussion about it, it’s either they didn’t understand it or we’re building something they really don’t want and we try to stop and say, okay, maybe we need to revisit it.”
Minute 9:19 – Elpis Fragkou, Senior Customer Care Coordinator at Wooga.
“From internally developed tools to consisting of reporting of player feedback and sentiment, we are heavily relying on it to optimize the message. We are collecting and analyzing the feedback, tracking the data while identifying the parts of it that provide actionable insights from all over the web and it would be impossible to do it without tools like Affogata. By providing centralized knowledge in one place, it allows us to manage our time and efforts in the most efficient and effective ways. Building a good relationship with experts across the industry and being in the position to ask for support at any point from highly knowledgeable folks is always very good for your product.”
And that’s it for today. ‘Let’s Talk Customer Feedback’ is a podcast made for Player Insights, professional player feedback enthusiasts, team, industry experts and anything in between. The podcast is created by Affogata, the AI-driven player feedback analytics platform that cuts through the noise and brings you the player insights that move the needle.
In each episode, we have a special guest from the industry, including Affogata’s own customers that share their knowledge on what player feedback and the voice of the customer mean for them and the companies they work at.
Follow ‘Let’s Talk Customer Feedback’ on Spotify, Apple podcasts, and Google podcasts. If you’d like to know more about Affogata and what it does, go to Affogata.com and get more info on our social media searching for Affogata on Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
See you next time. Don’t keep your players waiting.